Communication Difficulties in Children

Speech Problem Kids


A child with communication difficulties has trouble communicating with others. They may not understand or make words for speech. The child may also struggle with choice, word order, or sentence structure. Sometimes child has choice of words but able to communicate due to anxiety, shyness.


    There are following reasons due to which child has communication problems:

  • BIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS: The child having difficulty in communication due to genes problems having difficulty in the family.
  • Child having possible exposure to toxins during pregnancy.
  • Abuse during pregnancy may also lead to communication difficulties in children.
  • Exposure to environmental toxins like lead is possible reason of having communication difficulties.
  • PHYSICAL PROBLEMS such as problem in brain development has a possible effect on communication in children.

Sign and Symptoms:

  • Not speaking at all.
  • Limited or less words according to age.
  • Having trouble in follow simple instruction or direction given by parents.
  • Having difficulty in social communication.


We can follow the following techniques for management in the child having communication difficulties:

  • Individual or group support talking
  • Special classes
  • Speech therapy
  • Speech tools

Speech Problem Kids

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