What is ADHD?

Acting or reacting before considering consequences Butting into conversations Blurting out answers in the classroom Beginning work before instructions are given Disturbing others who are playing
Grabbing other’s belongings Touching, hyperactive person, grabbing hitting others Problems waiting for turn or standing in line Making impulsive decisions
Signs That May be Present in a Learning Environment Inattention
Easily distracted Incomplete work Problems with getting homework done
Problems bringing homework and necessary books home Difficulty remembering to hand work in Not able to produce the same amount and/or level of school work as others Need for repeated instructions
Misinterpreting instruction and questions on assignments or tests Difficulty with handwriting Difficulty understanding what is read Careless errors
Problems paying attention to details Problems with spelling and math
Problems with sequencing Forgetting deadlines or difficulty completing work on time Problems with organizing larger assignments and projects
Problems starting assignments Frequent daydreaming and presenting as spacey Excessive talking and interrupting others Blurting out answers Unable to sit still, constantly on the move Touching, pushing and grabbing others or things impulsively Interrupting others at ADHD disability play Problems dealing with frustration Tentative and unsure of trying new things and learning new skills
Reluctant to volunteer answers or be called upon Does not make or keep friends easily Unable to change focus or start and stop activities Transitions or changes produce agitation or frustration

How GCWC helps?

Understanding the unique strengths and problems of each child is a journey that the team at GCWC is adept at taking. We work with the families to address: Parental concerns, additional concerns noted on the OPD assessment, behaviour therapygad diagnosis, occupational therapy programme, and sensory integration.

A unique Individual Management Plan is made for each child, depending on what the child needs and how much he/she needs. Based on assessments, we deal in monthly, quarterly and long term plans. We also make home based programmes for outstation parents. We also provide online counselling.

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