Behaviour Problems

Behaviour Problems

Behavioral Problems – Children and adolescents may have problems in their behaviour which may be difficult to handle, extreme or outside the norm for their age.

Some common behaviour problems for children include:

Externalising Behaviours

Excessive Crying

Anger outbursts



Fussy Eating

Picking fights with peers



Internalizing behaviours

  • Withdrawn
  • Anxious
  • Aloof
  • Poor interaction with playmates
  • Depressed Behaviours

How can we handle these Behaviour problems?

Behaviour is the outward manifestation of what is going inside the child’s mind.

What we do at GCWC ?

Behaviour manifestation is actually tip of the iceberg. It is crucial to know details of the problematic behaviour in terms of its frequency, intensity, precipitating factors, maintaining factors.

More often than not, behaviours could be a part of a disorder or syndrome. The key to changing behaviour is to understand it first. That is where our team of experts including Psychiatrist, Child Psychologist, counsellors come into the picture. They follow a structured format of:

1. Functional Behaviour Analysis

2. Detailed Family History

3. Structured Evaluation to assess the presence of any disorder

4. Engineering Behaviour Modification programme

The usual B.E.S.T (Behaviour and Emotional Structuring Therapy) programme can last anywhere between 6-12 sessions, followed by booster programmes. The booster sessions ensure that the modified behaviour is reinforced and maintained.

“It takes a village to raise a child and we have a village”

Behavioral Problems

FAQ’s Behaviour Problems

What are Behaviour Problems?
Behaviour Problems refer to patterns of actions or reactions that interfere with a person’s ability to function effectively in society. They may manifest as aggression, hyperactivity, impulsivity, defiance, anxiety, depression, or other emotional or behavioural issues.

What causes Behaviour Problems?
Behaviour Problems can be caused by various factors, including genetics, environment, brain development, medical conditions, trauma, and stress. In some cases, there may be no identifiable cause.

How can I recognize if I or my loved one has Behaviour Problems?
Some common signs of Behaviour Problems include excessive anger or irritability, impulsivity or reckless behaviour, lack of empathy or remorse, difficulty following rules or social norms, self-harm or suicidal ideation, and substance abuse.

Can Behaviour Problems be treated?
Yes, Behaviour Problems can be treated through various therapies, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, psychotherapy, family therapy, and medication. The type of treatment depends on the specific problem and the individual’s needs and preferences.

How long does it take to treat Behaviour Problems?
The duration of treatment for Behaviour Problems varies depending on the severity of the problem, the individual’s response to treatment, and other factors. Some people may see improvement in a few sessions, while others may require ongoing treatment for months or even years.